Hang on, I think he's got a bit of a point to this.
Firstly, there are some xjws who end up in a bad situation, usually born-ins. I think this is because they are ill-prepared to live in the real world. It can take them a while to figure out what actually is right and wrong because of the jw upbringing having clouded things up to that point.
Secondly, as a jw it may seem that most xjws end up in dire straights because that is what they are told to believe and so find anicdotes to support that. What jw talks about his xjw friend who is now happily married, with some really wonderful kids etc? Or don't they much prefer to remember the xjw who got in to drugs, had an affair or otherwise commited some "immoral" act? Those are the stories that get passed around the cong, not the ones where the xjw is far happier with all the dub-related pressures lifted off their shoulders.